Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Change South African law on DID

Hi there,

We are in the process of working with the best Criminologists, Psychiatrists and other professionals in our country to firstly prove that DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) exists and then to get the courts to recognize it. This will also help to change the DM5 so that DID is no longer classified as a disorder, but as a coping mechanism and that there is a normal life and even a cure.

We need your help however to do this! We need to gather all information on studies done around the world, as well as court manuscripts from all over regarding DID. There are not many such cases (court wise) in South Africa as the courts do not recognize DID at all.

We have decided to make it our personal issue to change this, and even if it takes us years, we will let the world know that having DID is not a dis-functional sickness, but that we have normal lives, jobs, responsibilities and can function in 'normal' society.

So please if there is any person out there, weather you have DID/MPD, if you are a professional on DID, if you are a lawyer, please help us to help others understand that we are also people, just like the so called 'normal' ones out there.

This will help those with DID/MPD to get justice too! When they are sexually abused, verbally abused, physically abused that they can stand up and speak out! Let's be the voice for the voiceless, for the children who are abused as we are typing this blog, lets stop the abuse and prevent them from having to develop DID/MPD and to help those having DID/MPD to heal, to stand tall, to speak out and to live life to the fullest.



  1. Dear Friend,

    I want to thank everyone who is following and liking this blog on facebook, together we can and will make a difference. So please sign up on blogspot and leave your comments here so we can start discussing this matter and help people.


  2. The link contains six articles on the same courtcase where the complaintant was a multiple. It is noteworthy that the judge had every alter sworn in as they emerged. The case was not about proving DID/MPD but the wrongful actions of the defendant.

  3. Thank you so much, please continue to make a difference are tops!

    "Using the metaphor that Dr. Jekyll cannot be held responsible for what Mr. Hyde does, Saks describes what the legal system must ponder. If Jekyll willingly drank a potion that he knew would give birth to Hyde and all his atrocities, then Jekyll should be held accountable. But if Hyde erupts without Jekyll being able to control him or even being aware of him, then Jekyll cannot be held responsible. He should be treated, not punished" Follow the 15 page article covering various cases.

  5. This is a link to PS News. PS News is an email newsletter put out by Smart News. It is filled with information about former and current cases of different kinds of abuse. There is a heavy leaning toward Ritual Abuse and multiplicity.

  6. Thank you for all the commends, together we can make a difference, keep the info coming please. I will soon post the research we have done, and maybe it can help others just like your research has helped us.


  7. Check your email, hon. I sent a doc filled with links that I hope will help. I also posted on my blog with a link here. :-)

  8. I hear what you are trying to do and I applaud it.

    I'm not sure you can prove the existence of DID. The question is not found in the proof, but how it's defined. But you may appreciate this perspective that I wrote back in January:

    About changing the DSM5 so that "DID is no longer classified as a disorder, but as a coping mechanism and that there is a normal life and even a cure": I would say that if you are saying something can be cured, than you are conceding it's a disorder or a disease. I would caution you that all of the DSM is made up of disorders, so this would be an impossible road to go down. That's not to say that you personally cannot view DID as being a coping mechanism. I also wrote about that today... There is a danger in having it be classified as something different than everything else in the DSM. If you medically classify it the only thing that is not a disorder, then you are putting it in a special category, which is why the whole debate about its very existence is here in the first place. Besides, while you are right that it is a normal coping mechanism, one can easily make the case that it's a disorder as the coping mechanism progresses into adulthood.


  9. Thank you for your input paul, I know that you are right about DSM, but I get so frustrated when people look at us and think we are insane. I really hope that there will be justice for DID soon though as it is completely disregarded when a 'part' gets raped or violated, or abused.
    Thank you again and I hope you will continue to post here.

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    Over 280 sources proving ritual abuse and satanic ritual abuse exists

    copied with permission
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    Open University Press. ISBN 0335204198

    Searchable releases on satanic ritual abuse <../../../>

    Sexual Abuse in Day Care: A National Study\
    Executive Summary – March 1988 –
    Finklehor, Williams, Burns, Kalinowski "The study identified 270
    "cases" of sexual abuse in day care meaning 270 facilities
    where substantiated abuse had occurred involving a total of 1639
    victimized children….This yielded an estimate of 500 to 550
    reported and substantiated cases and 2500 victims for the three-year
    period. Although this is a large number, it must be put in the context
    of 229,000 day care facilities nationwide service seven million
    children….allegations of ritual abuse ("the invocation of
    religious, magical or supernatural symbols of activities") occurred
    in 13% of the cases." The authors divided these cases into
    "true cult-based ritual," pseudo-ritualism" with a primary
    goal of sexual gratification and ritual being used to intimidate the
    children from disclosing and "psychopathological ritualism" the
    activities being "primarily the expression of an individuals
    obsessional or delusional system."

    Silverstone, J. (2008). Corroboration in the body tissues. In A. Sachs
    & G. Galton (Eds.), Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder,
    pp. 145-154. London: Karnac.

    Sinason, V (1994). Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse. New York:
    Routledge. ISBN 0-415-10543-9

    Sinason, V., Galton, G., & Leevers, D. (2008). Where are We Now? Ritual
    Abuse, Dissociation, Police and the Media. In Ritual Abuse in the
    Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political
    Considerations, J.R. Noblitt & P. S. Perskin (Eds), pp. 363-380.
    Bandon, Oregon: Robert D. Reed Publishers.

  35. Sinason, V. (2008). When murder moves inside. In A. Sachs & G. Galton
    (Eds.), Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder, pp.
    100-107. London: Karnac.

    Sinason, V. (2008). From social conditioning to mind control. In A.
    Sachs & G. Galton (Eds.), Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity
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    Smith, Margaret. (1993). Ritual Abuse: What it Is, why it Happens, and
    how to Help by Margaret – HarperCollins

    Snow B. & Sorensen (1990). "Ritualistic child abuse in a
    neighborhood setting." Journal of Interpersonal Violence

    Sparkes, Barry H. Playing with the devil: Adolescent involvement with
    the occult, black magic, witchcraft, and the satanic to manage feelings
    of despair. Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol. 50, No. 12-B,
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    I. Treating Abuse Today, 4 (4): 14-23. Tamarkin, C. (1994b).
    Investigative Issues in Ritual Abuse Cases, Part II. Treating Abuse
    Today, 4 (5): 5-9. McMartin Both articles\

    The Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive contains 92 cases as of February
    12, 2008.

    Uherek, A.M. (1991). Treatment of a ritually abused preschooler. In
    W.N. Friedrich (Ed.) Casebook of sexual abuse treatment. (pp. 70-92).
    New York: Norton.

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  36. Van Benschoten, Susan C. (1990). "Multiple Personality Disorder and
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    Dissociation Vol. III, No. 1

    Waterman, Jill; Kelly, Robert J.;Oliveri, M. K.;and McCord, Jane
    (1993). Behind the Playground Walls – Sexual Abuse in Preschools.
    New York, London: The Guilford Press, 284-8. ISBN 0-89862-523-8

    Wong, B., & McKeen, J. (1990). "A case of multiple life-threatening
    illnesses related to early ritual abuse." Special Issue: In the
    shadow of Satan: The ritual abuse of children. Journal of Child and
    Youth Care 1-26.

    Woodsum, Gayle M. (1998). The Ultimate Challenge. Laramie, WY: ARI
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    Yoeli, F.R. & Prattos, T. (2008). Terrorism is the Ritual Abuse of the
    Twenty-first Century. In Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century:
    Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations, J.R.
    Noblitt & P. S. Perskin (Eds), pp. 261-306. Bandon, Oregon: Robert D.
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    Young, Walter C., Sachs, Roberta G., Braun, Bennett G., and Watkins, R.
    T. (1993) "Patients reporting ritual abuse in childhood: A clinical
    syndrome. Report of 37 cases." Child Abuse and Neglect 15(3):181-9

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    York: Lexington.

  37. Young, W. C. (1993). "Sadistic ritual abuse. An overview in
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    Youngson, Sheila C.. Ritual Abuse: Consequences for Professionals.
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    Waterman, Jill; Kelly, Robert J.;Oliveri, M. K.;and McCord, Jane
    (1993). Behind the Playground Walls -Sexual Abuse in Preschools. New
    York, London: The Guilford Press, 284-8. ISBN 0-89862-523-8

    Woodsum, Gayle M. (1998). The Ultimate Challenge. Laramie, WY: ARI
    Books. ISBN 0-9665974-0-0

    Websites with information and articles on ritual abuse:


    Ritual Abuse Torture

  38. RA-info



    The Awareness Center

    End Ritual Abuse

  39. Sorry about having to post all these in segments, but it wouldn't allow me to post all at once, I do hope that you find some use in it.

    Blessings in Christ
